Brittany Bookbinder | The Trial of Robert Durst

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Now for today's episode! Have you kept up with Robert Durst since watching HBO's The Jinx? (Please tell me you've watched The Jinx. If not, go to HBO and watch it immediately. Do not pass go - or hit play- do not collect $200.)

I spoke with Brittany Bookbinder who is covering his current trial for the 2000 murder of Susan Berman in Los Angeles. Along with Kary Antholis, Brittany reports for, and co-hosts the podcast, JURY DUTY: The Trial of Robert Durst.

Brittany and her team are the definitive, go to source for all the bizarre details surrounding Bob himself (I can call him Bob, right?), and the case itself. Jury Duty is part of Crime Story Media - a wonderful platform that focuses on the intersection criminal justice and storytelling. I cannot recommend their work more highly. Check out their site:

Please enjoy this conversation with Brittany Bookbinder and follow Crime Story:

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